Professional Ethics

Client Service

We will serve our clients with honesty, integrity, candor, and objectivity. We will provide the services with competence, using reasonable care, skill and diligence consistent with the interests of our client.

Representation of Qualifications

We will only accept assignments for which we are qualified by education, training, professional experience and technical competence.

Standards of Practice

We will furnish our services in a manner consistent with the established and accepted standards, and within the laws and regulations.

Fair Competition

We will compete fairly and respectfully. We will charge fees and expenses that are reasonable, and provide the services with the responsibilities to be assumed.

Release of  Information

We will release public statements that are truthful and objective, and we will keep information and records confidential when appropriate.

Public Welfare

We will avoid any conduct that would be considered unethical or will interfere or conflict with any statutory laws and regulations, and we will uphold the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of our professional duties.

Professional Development

We will continue to develop our professional knowledge and competence as practitioners, and contribute to the advancement of our profession by fostering research and education.